
Chuanbin Liu


Associate Research Fellow
University of Science and Technology of China
School of Information Science and Technology

[CV] [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate]

Email:  liucb92 AT ustc DOT edu DOT cn
Address:  High-tech Campus USTC, No.100, Fuxing Road, Hefei, Anhui, 230027, P. R. China

      I'm currently an associate researcher at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). I obtained my PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering from USTC in 2021, under the guidance of Professor Yongdong Zhangand Professor Weiping Li.
      My research interests include large model reasoning, computer vision, medical image analysis, and other fields. Currently, I have published over 30 high-level academic articles. I have won several awards, such as the President's Special Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation from the Chinese Institute of Electronics, National Postgraduate Scholarship, and Outstanding Graduate of USTC. I also chaired a number of projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. In addition, I possess diverse abilities and experience, and served as an assistant in the Ministry of Science and Technology, and keep responsible for the high-performance computing clusters in his team.
        刘传彬,现为中国科学技术大学信息科学技术学院副研究员,于2021年获得中国科学技术大学信息与通信工程专业博士学位,导师为张勇东教师(国家杰青)、李卫平教授(IEEE Fellow)。此前,于2015年获得中国科学技术大学物理学学士学位。研究兴趣涉及计算机视觉、跨模态推理、医学影像分析等领域,当前累计发表高水平学术文章20余篇。获得中国科学院院长特别奖、中国电子学会优秀博士学位论文、博士研究生国家奖学金、中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生等多个奖项;并主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、安徽省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目等多个课题。




06/2024 Score 3rd in the CVPR LOVEU 2024 Long-Term Video Question Answering Challeng, solution is avaiable.
05/2024 Jingyuan Xu passed his doctoral degree defense!
05/2024 Chenhui Jin and Chang Li, undergraduate interns, got socre A in their DaChuang!
Get married with Lingyun Yu!

  Work Experience

Associate Research Fellow
Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)


Doctor of Information and Communication Engineering
Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Bachelor of Applied Physics
Department of Modern Physics
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

  Research Experience

09/2018-Present    Deep Learning for Fine-grained Image Analysis
    ●  Propose a novel bidirectional attention-recognition model to actualize a bidirectional reinforcement of attention and recognition learning for weakly-supervised Fine-grained Object Classification. Propose a Distillation Learning (DL) method to fuse the knowledge from the entire object into region-based feature learning by knowledge distilling.

05/2018-Present    Deep Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
    ●  To resolve the temporal diversity and pathological deformity challenge in X-ray based diagnosis of DDH, convert the detection of a landmark to the detection/segmentation of the landmark’s local neighborhood patch. Spatial attention and Adversarial learning are also employed to deal with the false positive detection.

09/2017-Present    Deep Learning for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment
    ●  Propose a novel weakly-supervised learning approach for Bone Age Assessment, which can discover and extract the discriminative bone parts without human prior. State-of-art performance has been achieved, and the proposed method exhibits interpretability, consistency and inspiration with human prior knowledge

09/2015-09/2017    Future Network Design based on Game Theory
    ●  Consider the network applications as game players driven by their best self-interest. A novel Media-attribute Switching is proposed with the idea of Mechanism Design. It can provide incentives for applications to label their media-attributes honestly, thus to protect the multimedia network with order and efficiency. Scalable Video Coding and MobilityFirst Network are also involved in this research.

  Volunteer & Assistant Experience

09/2022-Present    Present Assistant Judge of the Ministry of Science and Technology
    ●  Assistant judge expert for the National Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Participating in project review and performance evaluation. 

09/2014-07/2017    Teaching Assistant of Design Innovation
    ●  Teaching Assistant in USTC Design Innovation Course as well as Stanford University Global Alliance for Redesign. Master the skill of project management, team collaborationproduct design and leadership.

09/2012-01/2015    Volunteer Assistant of Psychotherapists
    ●  Assist the psychotherapist to help the student with psychological problem in USTC. Master the skill of listening, observing and psychological counseling.


Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection with Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Sicheng Zhang, Jun Sun, Yongdong Zhang. 
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Self-supervised Attention Mechanims for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment with Efficient Weak Annotation
Chuanbin Liu, Hongte Xie, Yongdong Zhang.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Filtration and Distillation: Enhancing Region Attention for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Zhengyun Zha,Lingfeng Ma, Lingyun Yu, Yongdong Zhang
The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

Bidirectional Attention-Recognition Model for Fine-grained Object Classification
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Zhengyun Zha, Lingyun Yu, Zhineng Chen, Yongdong Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Learning Rich Attention for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Yunyan Yan, Yongdong Zhang
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2020

Extract Bone Parts without Human Prior: End-to-end Convolutional Neural Network for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Yizhi Liu, Zhengjun Zha, Fanchao Lin, Yongdong Zhang
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2019

Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection by Spatial Local Correlation Mining for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Sicheng Zhang, Jingyuan Xu, Jun Sun, Yongdong Zhang
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2019

Law is Order: Protecting Multimedia Network Transmission by Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Chuanbin Liu, Youliang Tian, Hongtao Xie
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM) 2020 (Oral talk!)

Semantic-embedding and Shape-aware U-net for Ultrasound Eyeball Segmentation
Fanchao Lin, Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Zheng-Jun Zha, Yongdong Zhang
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2019

Potential of Attention Mechanism for Classification of Optical Coherence Tomography Images
Zhihua Shang, Zilong Fu, Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Yongdong Zhang.
IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) 2019

CircleNet for Hip Landmark Detection
Hai Wu, Hongtao Xie, Chuanbin Liu, Sicheng Zhang, Jun Sun, Yongdong Zhang.
The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) 

Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Diagnosis using Anteroposterior Pelvic Radiographs in Children with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Sicheng Zhang, Jun Sun, Chuanbin Liu, Hongtao Xie, Jihong Fang, Ning Bo.
The Bone & Joint Journal


02/2022  Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation from the Chinese Institute of Electronics
05/2021  President's Special Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
04/2021  Outstanding Graduates of China University of Science and Technology
10/2020  National Scholarship for Doctoral Students (¥30000)
12/2019  Hua-Yu Fundation Scholarship (¥10000)
08/2019  MICCAI 2019 Graduate Student Travel Award ($500)
07/2019  CVPR 2019 Contest on MitosisDetection (3rd)
09/2016  Excellent Teaching Assistant Award
10/2014  Exam-Free Postgraduate to USTC
03/2014  China Undergraduate Physics Tournament Award (Grade 2)
12/2013  Chung-Yao Chao Talent Students Scholarship


Research on Artificial-intelligence-aided Diagnosis of Pediatric Orthopaedic Image
National Natural Science Foundation of China
    Project Participant

Artificial Intelligence Aided Diagnosis in Medical Image about Developmental Dislocation of Hip
National Natural Science Foundation of China
    Project Participant

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